Fungal sentences are slightly more complex than English, slightly less complex than Russian.
I never said they were. I never even brought up factory farming, I think all meat eating is wrong. All I was talking about was how people will justify eating meat because they say plants/fungi are sentient too, and I hate that asinine bullshit.
That doesn’t make any sense as am objection to veganism. Expanding the scope of harm means you’re allowed to do more harm???
I see your point and I think you’re picking up on a cognitive dissonance that they tone out. To them it’s more like “well every edible thing is sentient, so I don’t need an ethical framework to decide what to eat” it’s wrong as you point out but also a convenient worldview for someone to justify eating meat.
Ah I see. So it’s kind of like what people do with “no ethical consumption under capitalism”? My understanding is that you can’t expect purity, but focusing on making it more ethical over time is something an individual should do. Western leftists seem to want it to mean, “don’t feel bad about your lifestyle being based on exploitation of the global south”, which is nonsense