learn history or else you’re doomed to repeat it, here’s one lineage of the family tree I read about on wiki:
- American Workers Party merge with Trotskyist CLA (Opposition), forming WPUS
- WPUS dissolves to do entryism, joining SPA social democrats to change it (Oehler/Lens form RWL)
- Trots split from SPA to form SWA
- Trots split, those who didn’t support Russia invading Finland form third camp Workers Party (Shachtman’s 40% minority of SPA and Young Peoples Socialist League)
- WP realized they’re too small to be a party, renamed to Independent Socialist League
6a. Some SWP join WP due to “ultraleftism” (?)
6b. Some WP join SWP due to lack of Leninism, but their “ultraleftism” (?) messes with the vibes of the orthodox SWP Trots
“Criss cross!” - Strangers On A Train (1951). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqqspC4Sf50
- Trots split, forming the Correspondence Publishing Committee.
- Trots split after CLR James was deported, forming News and Letters Committees
- CPC splits, James loyalists renamed Facing Reality
- Trots split, the Boggs couple reform CPC as Maoist third worldist
based Boggs:
Boggs and Grace Lee Boggs, who were married from 1953 until his death in 1993, built what Ibram X. Kendi called “a durable partnership that was at once marital, intellectual, and political. It was a genuine partnership of equals, remarkable not only for its unique pairing or for its longevity, but also for its capacity to continually generate theoretical reflection and modes of activist engagement.”