I just checked the margarine in my fridge and it still listed trans fat in the ingredients, even though only as trace amounts. 35% saturated fats though, which is similar to animal fats. As for the canola oil, no trans fats but 7% saturated fat. So the healthiest option that I have right now I guess.
Obviously it’s not as dangerous as cigarettes, that’s Paleo and keto fad diet nonsense.
With zero knowledge I would risk canola oil could easily be worse than sunflower cuz canola oil originally wasn’t used for human consumption cuz a lot of bad things in it. Industrialization and breeding made it edible.
There are tons of plants we have made more suitable through selective breeding, though. Canola also has the lowest omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, aside from flax (linseed) oil but that has a super low smoke point so you can’t really cook with it.