The meat to bone ratio per wing is dreadful, and they also leave your hands a greasy sticky mess
A couple of months ago, I got one of those rotisserie chickens half off near closing time at a supermarket. This lead to me spending the evening re-enacting Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son in front of my computer. I felt like one of those chimps you see in nature documentaries eating a baby gibbon
I had some fired burned steak yesterday. shits good. primal and bloody. but one of those things that even normal people wouldn’t do if they knew what the whole process looked like start to finish. pretty sure /r/happycows is a psyop by the meat industry
/r/happycows is a psyop by the meat industry
Good rule of thumb:
Tag in the ear usually means commercial cow
No tag is usually a rescue/pet/subsistence cow
I loved fishing as a kid, but currently I couldn’t really handle hooking worms or bashing a fish’s head in with a club and then gutting it.
I feel bad enough when I feed live insects to my pets