you love to see it
He reaches for his weapon, only to realize that he literally can’t kill all of them without at least being swarmed to death like a school of piranhas. For once in his life, two brain cells in his head rub together, and he stands down.
I fuckin’ loved seeing that moment of cold realization of “oh god, they could kill us both right now so easily…”
Not so brave without a wall of Stormtroopers carrying spud guns and tear gas cans and taser robots to stand behind.
Shidddd we can outnumber them there too :agony-soviet: (eventually) (in Minecraft)
Also as the pigs have extensively researched themselves, at close range like in the video, guns actually lose most of their advantages and became not much better than a knife.
It’s called the “21 foot rule” and is legitimately what cops have used to justify killing people.
The basic is, at average a person can cover said 21 foot distance faster than a gun-wielder can draw and aim their weapon. In a violent situation this means the shorter the starting distance, the higher the odds of the melee fighter can overcome the shooter.