How close are we to the cool zone yet?
Can’t wait for Kyle Rittenhouse and some of his buddies to show up at one of these and “defend” Brett Kavanaughs house or whatever.
That and also they “accidentally” shoot Clarence Thomas while defending them
I honestly belive someone might kill him if he tryed. Maybe it will just it will be lib shid, but also Americans have a raging pandemic, ecomic crisis soon, and now unaccountable non elected governent body as foreign to the avg American as good infrastructure trying to take away rights under most unpopular president in years. People even people who don’t pay attention can only be pushed so far.
Honestly would be a sight to behold if someone decided to toss a molotov at one of the houses, would see the entirety of MSM lose their shit
Edit: 100% chance the libs turn you over to the cops lol if someone did this they’d have to roll deep
Only 10-12 states are solidly anti-choice.
This is going to backfire short/long term for the right.
that’s not how the right works. They’re a flaming pile of shit that goes where it will. They know they’re being aged out and they’re just trying to do anything they can to tear apart the system so they can live in the carcass. This anti choice bullshit and the fanaticism it creates will keep the shit rolling for a while longer. Eventually it’ll hit a wall and we’ll have flaming shit everywhere, but that isn’t soon considering they still have so much governmental power between local governments, judges, ect.
maybe it really will backfire though. Maybe it will give left leaning elements the fuel they need to get going. I don’t see how else it would backfire, not like the libs are going to do anything. Biden literally has voted for abortion as a state right in the past.
how do you figure? are you expecting libs to actually move substantially to counter this, or for it to generate more left wing radicalisation which will come to screw the right over?