I joined chapo.chat from the discord. I was hopeful that we would be able to bring back some of what the chapo reddit was, a fun place for shitposting and I dunno, maybe praxis? What I see here is just all of the most hardcore people from chapo saying that eveyone who isn’t on chapo.chat sucks. We don’t have nearly the numbers for that to be a sustainable strategy. Right now, the hot feed is very “not fun”. Lots of recrimination of people. A weird amount of fighting about china, and not nearly enough pig poop balls. That is all.
Yeah generally speaking this shit sucks and I’m only here bc I’m both banned from the discord and too alienated from in real life to log off entirely from the Chapo internet
Someone (paraphrasing): guys I’m still a virgin and it bothers me
Me: virginity is a spook, dont worry about it
Person #3: spook is a slur
Me: not in this context, obviously. STFU
Mod: @me hey knock it off
Me: @mod suck me off
Real liberal language policing hours smh