why is this documentary so funny tho?
it’s almost like a parody of American television programming.
also, how many billions of dollars do you reckon the police milked out of this shit?
edit: “there were an average of 3 armed bank robberies a day in Los Angeles”. there’s no way that’s true, right??
“It’s friday, TGIF for employees at a bank in North Hollywood. But when the horror begins, the end of their work-week will become frozen in time. Two men, DEMONS as the police call them, approach a bank”
who the fuck wrote this script :data-laughing:
Yeah the 3 armed bank robberies does sound like a lot. They were saying that back then they didn’t carry assault rifles or anything. Nowadays I’m pretty sure they got one in every car.
Watching cops go from pistol, to pistol and six mags, to assault rifle in the car, to assault rifle in every single interaction was bizarre. I remember taunting National Guard dorks in the airport after 9/11 bc they were issued rifles but no ammo, and now twenty years later every hog in the country has an assault rifle and goes on SWAT LARPs twice a year.