Old barn find I breathed new life in because gravel bikes are too expensive so fuck it I’ll make my own.
Just waiting for the last parts since i lost some plastic thingamabobs I need for the STIs.
Sometimes I think I should keep my bike shop like surgically clean so I don’t lose the small, crucially important plastic bits in the mess of parts and old boxes but alas, if your personal shop doesn’t look like you could outfit a frame with parts you find on the ground, is it even a shop?
So your spokes are connected to the rim, which connect to the hub. Every spoke on the rim goes to every other side of the hub, traditionally called drive and non-drive (the side with gears and side without gears). So the first spoke after the valve might go to the drive, the next spoke goes to the non-drive, next spoke to the drive, so on and so forth. The spokes that come out of the same side of the hub should have the same tone as one another. So all the spokes on the drive side of the hub should sound the same, and all the spokes coming out of the non-drive side should sound the same.