Isn’t the elephant in the room that a ridiculously beyondo absurd suggestion like the won Cruz made isn’t completely and utterly ridiculed by the “media”?
The fact that they just print this shit, but then allow it to stand - without completely, scathingly discrediting it from the get-go, is a joke.
Until someone in the media stops playing the phony, insincere and cop-out “we’re just unbiasedly reporting the news” and lights into this bullshit we’ll all still be stuck in this deja vu nightmare of another narrowed debate around what some absolutely heinous, deprived monster beholden to the NRA who makes his living throwing red meat to reactionaries
As long as not one high-profile MSM “journalist” will call out this kind of bullshit for what it is - beyond the bounds of absurdity (for all the reasons stated in this thread, and that any thinking person would immediately conclude) - then we’re just doomed to have this same dumb, predictable hyper-partisan argument over and over again without anything getting done.
Simply put, the easy access to and abundance of guns in American society ensures this will happen again and again.
All the other shit is distraction.