Yeah yeah constitutional republic. But I just received my ballot for the state and like 70% of these guys have no opponents. There is no choice here other than what party you want. And they all fucking suck.
I remembering voting for treasurer or some shit of a state with no income tax and both of the fuckers we had to choose from were center right “independent” business school freak types who had basically the same platform, which was “absolutely do not, under any circumstances, make the tax code less regressive.” That was the first time it really sunk in for me how absolutely little voting mattered
Omg this is so accurate to my city’s “non-partisan” elections. The things these people brag about are the things that are immediate disqualification for me supporting them and it’s fucking insane because I don’t even know anyone in the city that supports these people. Everyone’s opinions range from complete apathy to “execute city council”
Who knows? Maybe I might actually get to know one or two and actually like them, but in a city council district with 400,000 people how the fuck would I?
All these people are just fucking nobodies, as far as I’m aware. I’ve never heard of them before. I have no idea who they are right now. I doubt I’ll hear their names more than twice in the future, save for news about a ribbon cutting on the next mega-mall or as an aside with their involvement in a sex scandal.
Some of that is because all these assholes are just climbing the ladder from Deputy Party Kiddy-Diddler Cover-up Guy to Senior Party Corporate Grifter to Candidate. But a lot of it is because we’re all so atomized that we don’t know half the people who live on our own blocks, much less the people saying they’re going to run our city or state or country.