at least he makes the solutions very open ended
so he just points out something and is like :shrug-outta-hecks:
too bad his foreign policy ideas are horrendously evil. typical for a brit
He and his writers aren’t materialist and they’re not Marxist. This episode could’ve talked about property rights and capitalism even in general terms, how police protect this property, renters’ subordinate position to both landlords and their property, the exploitation of renters by landlords for what amounts to fucking zero work, etc.
This show is decent on bringing up serious issues but stops short of ever calling into the question the system itself.
yeah, agree
which is a bit funny considering how much material theyve covered over the years. and we dont have a systemic cause to everything? :thinking-about-it:
That’s always the thing with libs though is that they understand structural problems but must constantly justify the existence of the very same structures. So when structures endlessly repeat the same outcomes, the liberal cannot delegitimize them because that contradicts the ideas and ideals of the structures.
“Describing an issue and when asked what the cause is gesturing to a blank space that’s clearly had ‘CAPITALISM’ cut out” with John Oliver