“Progressive” “allies” like Oliver are much more difficult to organize against wrt lib brains than blue dog types or Republicans. They promote and entrench the false consciousness of social democracy (that they’ll never fight for anyways) where we could otherwise agitate, defanging our actions and movements. It’s propaganda like Oliver’s show that mean BLM and Defund get appropriated and shut down. Rinse and repeat for every social movement we create, help with, piggyback on.
This kind of lib :brainworms: is basically 2/3 of :reddit-logo:. At best, you can point someone to it while explaining what’s wrong with it. But it will not radicalize, it will only set someone up for radicalization when they realize that it’s false through other means, including lived experience and stumbling across socialists and socialist theory.
Yes but it does the exact opposite: it mollifies and makes our job harder, increases the amount of deprogramming we have to do.
Example: have you ever had the joy of talking to libs about his China episodes? Their xenophobia has only gotten worse. Folks like Oliver launder right wing think tanks / talking points under the guide of “progressive” politics that make it much more difficult to play on the us vs. them dichotomy inherent to lib brain (like pointing out that maybe they should read Kissinger Fellows with a grain of salt). Oliver is with them and peddles in whitewashed reaction, so they absorb and defend it.
Or, shorter version: he’s a different instantiation of V*ush.