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also “how is that creepy asshole with the sociopathic plastic smile and the dead mackarell eyes not the hero of the show?” politics aside, Antony Starr just nails playing Homelander in a way that should make everybody’s skin crawl. yet they see that predatory grin stapled to his face and think “cool this guy is just like me”.
yeah, i know, but it’s still surprising that they are only now catching on to all this. it’s not as if Homelander’s portrayal has changed in any way - he’s always been a narcissist with a secret weird and creepy side, he’s always been fascist in his views and criminal in his actions, nothing about this season’s Homelander seems new to me. but if you can misread that as “no, he’s cool, he’s like i want to be”, then you could always do that and can still do that. why are they going :frothingfash: now and not from the very start? did they think “that show can’t be woke, they made fun of big corporation being woke”? did they completely miss that the jokes about pinkwashing punched from the left, aimed at hypocrisy and commodification instead of the gays, that they were anti-capitalist and not anti-LGBT? are they that du… ah, guess they are. yeah, it’s probably that.
Millions and millions and millions of people thought Hitler was the good guy, so.
Isn’t that only Julius Evola who has that criticism? And Evola is considered kind of a freak even among fascists? I know he wrote the big Theory book, where he blames everything on the jews and the “modern world”, but still. It’s not like fascists read anyway.