Imagine you live in the US and you have dual citizenship: American/Canadian. You have a job that allows travel. Considering the Christofascism that’s coming…
When would you move to Canada?
If you stayed in the US - when might you realize you waited far too long and you had a “Oh, fuck - I’m the frog” moment?
I want to stay in the US and I live in a super-blue county in a blue state. But I don’t want to become the frog. I have such dual citizenship and moving is doable for me provided I plan as far ahead as possible. I don’t expect Canada to be nirvana but I fear the worst for the US.
Didn’t Canada just have a big “anti-vax trucker” thing courtesy of their own domestic chuds… and they have their own crazy Conservatives?
Not to be a doomer, but how much of this is really just “the grass is always greener?”
Its still greener.
Klanada still has many of the same issues that the US does, but not nearly to the same degree.
The healthcare in canada has many problems, but for the most part you won’t be bankrupt and in a debtors prison for getting cancer.
Way less chance of dying just across the board
A (relatively) normal supreme court with a mandatory retirement age.
A constitution that was written in the 80s and not 250 years ago
More than 2 political parties ( sort of)
Still has deep seated structure racism, and rising costs of living and a housing crisis and its cold.