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It’s also the fastest way to create a civil war situation. Nuclear weapons reside in more than one state and the question of what to do with the weapons in various states will be an issue. Seceding states aren’t going to want to be defenseless next door to a christo-fascist state.
The result of disagreement over what to do with weaponry can only be civil war surely?
Fascism would result in fracture as fascists tend to identify by state. Texans hate California. Idahoians hate Washington. The Dakotans hate Chicago. Floridians hate Atlanta, Georgia. Alaskans hate everyone. Etc.
You’d get some kind of play, like in the Civil War, where a military leader attempts to charge into DC and seize control. But the long term consequences would be a total interstate crack-up.
Someone whose opinions I respect has said the most likely future scenario for the US is a Qing-style degradation of federal power where state governments start merely ignoring federal laws and dictates in favor of their own, as well as making separate treaties with foreign governments. But the fiction of national unity and the military remain. I thinks its a good prediction considering another upcoming expected SCOTUS decision.