Hate that shit
It’s not just 10 animes it’s like fucking half of them. Hi I’m a 1000 year old dragon hamburger chain magnate with the ability to instantly knit my enemies into yarn cocoons, also I attend a private high school
haha. idk why, but I’ve always really enjoyed “slice of life” things, particularly when combined with fantasy for this sort of trope https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MundaneUtility
I 100% get it tho. It doesn’t make any sense. I guess it’s just like whimsical or wish fulfillment or something for me.
I appreciate that stuff in the link it’s just… They can’t stop setting shit in high schools with 16 year olds.
It’s like if after Ghostbusters every single movie featured a pest remediation service for zombies, pest remediation for robots from the future, pest remediation for Martians, pest remediation for Agent Smiths, pest remediation for terrorists who have Taken your daughter, pest remediation for German-occupied French beachheads
And every single movie takes place in like Manhattan with 4 cranky middle aged dudes
Then they do a movie about growing up as a teenager, and it’s starting 4 cranky middle aged dudes who say they’re 13 years old, and they’re running a pest remediation service for popular girls
Most anime and manga are written for teenagers. You are just not the target audience.