I don’t even drop my suit pants to urinate. I just soil myself. If Wall Street calls to make a deal and I’m in the bathroom, that extra three seconds you’d take to unzip your pants is three seconds where I’m getting wet and rich.
so desperate for new markets to expand into you start speculating on airline tickets :ohnoes: god please make it stop
This guy is a millionaire and goes to yard sales and resells items he finds, like a complete dullard. He makes like 40 dollars and talks about hustling. Lol
Can’t wait for Gary to start tweeting about how a used condom will one day be an NFT.
I’m so successful because I’m an entrepreneur. I take every opportunity to get rich fast and speculate on anything. If I’m at a Wendy’s trying to haggle for used fries, I’ll ask the worker “How much do you get paid in an hour? I’ll bet you that much there are more than 7 fries left in that container you’re about to throw away.” Now I get calories and cash just for being bold and taking risks. You don’t take risks and that’s why you’ll never have as many fries as me.