It started getting spammed on /pol/ a couple of days ago and they were absolutely powerless because they couldn’t prove it wrong. They literally resorted to either making shitty “no u” edits or doxxing themselves to show how totally not poljack they look, it’s fucking incredible
i have the utmost respect for lefties who can go on /pol/ for even a second. it’s such a vile and insane place that would age me 20 years in a matter of moments if i had to look at any of it.
it’s like the equivalent of yelling into a blackhole, only that blackhole also hurls a billion slurs at you while you scream into the void
If you want to troll on /pol/, I highy recommend opening it in catalog mode, opening every thread you might want to respond to in a new tab, replying to and closing all of those, and then putting it the fuck down and doing something else with the rest of your day. Don’t read your replies. Sure as fuck don’t respond to people who reply to you.
The emotional investment it takes to do a drive by dunking is nothing, but as soon as you start actually engaging in conversation your brain is going to go into life and death politics mode and start making you care way more than it’s worth.
damn, you got this all figured out lol. that’s some solid advice. it’s really similar to what i do on twitter to reactionaries. just throw in a quick one liner, mute the thread and never look at it again
I can definitely go on /pol/, and I have checked it out a few times. But I don’t think I would ever really engage with anyone and try to debate, I just know it wouldn’t be productive or good-faith. The most I would probably do is post some info-pics or leave a link to a video or something.
Edit: occasionally I do debate with far-righties but idk if /pol/ is the best place to do so. I think it’s good to take the occasional look at fash spaces though, for example I looked at thedonald today to see how they were reacting to the covid news. If anyone’s curious, they’re being relentlessly optimistic: “he’s gonna get better in a week or two and tell everyone that covid isn’t that bad actually”
Honestly I kind of envy their attitude, I know that to some degree it’s forced and they’re just putting on a show, but I admire that stubbornly positive mindset. Kinda sucks to be realistic and have to actually think about things instead of just being blindly optimistic.