I kinda want to get something small like this (Ruger LCR .22 LR) for concealed carry. I’ve never owned a gun before, and based on my reading revolvers sound more reliable (plus I’ve always thought they looked cool). Went with 22 because of that time ammo got super expensive and 9mm was ridiculous compared to what you could get going for .22.
But is this gun stupid? Is concealed carry stupid? It’s okay if I’m dumb, I know very little about guns other than like the last few nights I’ve spent trying to research a good, small concealed carry.
About .22 - not only does it kill people slowly, it’s also some of the least reliable ammunition. Misfires all the time.
I’d really recommend a decent 9mm semi auto + a somewhat basic .22 semi auto. The .22 semi auto will help you practice for way cheaper. Be sure to practice on the 9 too.
I really really like the M&P Shield EZ. My wife bought it because it’s extremely easy to operate, and honestly almost all pistols should be that easy to operate. I literally could not find another handgun that she could physically operate at all.
- Loading rounds into the magazines is so fucking easy - there’s a tab to pull down, you don’t hurt your fingers at all.
- Racking is so fucking easy
- Shoots great, 10 rounds in a standard magazine
- Medium weight, so it’s not tiring to hold but doesn’t kick like a smaller pistol
Absolutely. It’s not a be-all-end-all, but for a beginner I can’t give an enthusiastic enough recommendation. When I go out into the woods I carry a Ruger American, a medium to large duty pistol with 17 rounds