In the mid 90’s to late oughts, there were a series of low budget tv shows with titles like “AMERICA’S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS”.
These shows functioned as a sort of proto-youtube poop. All the content was viewer submitted and then would be edited together into a clip show. Typically there would be a “cash prize” for best video.
The hosts were always washed up comedians with unsettling paternal and/or weird uncle energy. Not Jimmy Seville type of “weird” uncle, just… weird. Bob Saget infamously hosted AFHV for like four years during his run on “Full House”, for example.
This video is a riff on this strange kitsch genre abd its many motifs, uncanny cadences, and archetypes.
It’s doing a similar type of humor as Tim and Eric or I Think You Should Leave. One part detached memory, one part abstraction, one part heightening the weird to highlight how unsettling it always sort of has been.
All of those videos were harvested from actual 90’s clip shows. I’m pretty sure the artist who did this is Everything Is Terrible!