hoo boy am I not interested in differentiating between types of guns. :shrug-outta-hecks: I’ve never been particularly interested in them, so when the stats are similar I don’t know what to differentiate them by. Just resorting to looking several up to get a feel for how I want to equip NPCs or pregen PCs and finding this to be the most irritating part of the research I’ve done for the setup. What research have you had to do for games that you found particularly tedious?
Thanks, this was helpful, as is @Tapirs10 's input. It is an alt-history thing and includes some supernatural forces as well, including mad scientists who can basically create the gun Abe was just shot with. I’m pretty comfortable with figuring it out from a stats perspective, but wanted to learn a bit more as to what might be in common use taking into account things like service weapons for various forces and the chances of those being as available to the commonfolk mostly for flavor purposes. This is not the complete list https://imgur.com/fiwsH8m but it does have the LeMat you mentioned. I had to look that one up to understand why the stats were listed as such, and had a good chuckle thinking about fanning the hammer on that and ending it with a blast of buckshot towards my posse.