I cant recall how good the politics are
Shaun’s commentary in this video shows how the movie is set up to have a different interpretation based on one’s understanding of personhood and emotional/logical autonomy. Seems that most viewers self-inserted as the protaganist and perhaps thought that the main character “deserved” to be with Ava for freeing her. Part of being a socialist is recognizing that Iraqis are people and don’t deserve to be bombed to shit over nothing, that the DPRK and other countries can have their own interests and agenda and shouldn’t be forced to align with imperial powers, and that highly-functioning beings that likely have sentience [androids in this case] probably have their own interests that should be considered, and no individual is the main character.
That’s not to say that a socialist is automatically going to arrive at this interpretation, since the filmmakers threw in a couple clues and left it ambiguous on purpose, but I think a lot of people will have some trouble observing that transition in who the main character is halfway through the movie.
Would I have seen it myself if I watched the movie today? hard to say, but I am sure I wasn’t thinking so hard about it when I saw it like 5 or 6 years ago.