Except PSL turned their votes into real on the ground organizing in disadvantaged communities while the Green Party turned their votes into seething liberals.
Millions of people see their name on the ballot without knowing who they are. Then they see a bunch of people voted for them after the election, and a tiny fraction of them look into it and get involved. Even if 10,000 PSL votes translate into one new cadre, it’s better than everything the green party has done for the last 20 years.
Look at the conversation we are having. It’s about Howie vs La Riva for a spot they won’t ever win. The fact that it’s PSL and not the CPUSA or WWP or SAlt that we are talking about matters. Even if the party will never win an election, having PSL on the ballot and getting votes legitimizes them in a way that other parties can’t.
I don’t give a shit what the green party does. They’re just a bunch of crystal healer boomers and conspiracy cranks that lose elections and do literally nothing else. What I want is for Communists and other revolutionary minded socialists to quit their microparties and join PSL and do good work on the ground bringing actual Proles into the ranks and not just PMCs with politics brain