Listening to PSL nerds try to talk down to the Green Party is deeply hilarious. The PSL and the Green Party were founded 3 years apart. The PSL has accomplished fuck all and is on the ballot in 15 states (no one sees your party name if you are a fucking write in), and the Greens have accomplished fuck all and every voter in the country will see their name on the ballot. There is no metric by which the PSL is could be considered more successful.
I’m not even a fucking Green Party person, some of you online PSL nerds are just that deeply fucking annoying and delusional.
ah yes the metric by which you’re considered successful is whether your name is on the ballot lol. PSL actually organizes poor working class people, something the green party has never cared about. if i go join the green party in NYC right now what sort of organizing and work are they doing here and what have they done during covid and the protests here in the city? Nothing. A non existent party, amazing.
Which is it, getting on the ballot gets your name out there for more people to see, or getting on the ballot isn’t actually important? I can’t seem to follow your cope.
the PSL has been advocating and fighting for socialism for years and actually furthering the movement in significant and important ways, the greens barely just started even mentioning it, and also explicitly coming out against “state socialism”. i couldnt give a fuck about ballots, the greens do fuck all when it comes down to it, so wtf does it matter that they get these votes if it never translated into anything more than a sparing campaign for climate advocacy? shit Sunrise just got founded and they already blew the fucking Greens out of relevancy in that field.
Actually Greens are missing from a lot of ballots this year. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania aren’t the only ones. They just didn’t bother to collect signatures