16 day general strike? This is the first I’ve heard of it.
dunno dude, it looked pretty based when they were ghost riding the whip w/ a cop car hahah
but also unlike recent riots in the states burning cop cars is also happening alongside an organized mass strike that labor is taking very active part in and they have actual demands that they want met so its not just cathartic shit to do when pissed off, its an actual material threat to the functioning of capital in that region so i hope they get their demands met but also they have a better chance of having that actually happen vs just riots. hopefully it doesn’t get coopted by a bunch of libs though
hopefully it doesn’t get coopted by a bunch of libs though
Have you checked Panama political parties/organizations landscape?
It ain’t good
just a cursory look at wikipedia for their bourgeois parties, which seem similar to ones most countries have.
do you know if any of those are already involved in negotiations and if their agenda is being set instead of the agenda of the workers?
otherwise, liberal cooptation did happen in sri lanka recently for example, its a pretty standard tactic that the bourg do