China puts targeted sanctions on the State of California and Pelosi’s donor network. They mimic US language of oligarchs and foreign interference repeated ad nauseum by US media and government. They outline her financial interest in Taiwan and abuse of power to become wealthy during her political career. The PR campaign and heavy sanctions work to politically isolate her from allies and neuter her influence, she’s left out to pasture to “Spend more time with her grandchildren” shortly after the election where Democrats get obliterated.
The stupid imperialistic gesture finally ends the reign of one of the worst neo-liberal ghouls of a generation and China stays winning.
Their PR towards the “international community” doesnt matter since no population amongst them will in a meaningful capacity become friendly to them under the zeitgeist of immense concent manufacturing in the last few years and in the future. And it literally doesnt matter if it was good since there arent mediums for it to reach and resonate since the social and other media and press is fully controlled by the west
Towards the developing world and “non international community” their mutualy benefitial relations and positive material impact, their lack of interventionism and warmongering along with the widespread distrust for the west and US is and has been better than western style PR and propaganda cause its about tangible and material things. Billions of people and the population of the most of the world give zero shit about Xi or China “losing face” over this or will support them more or less in the Taiwan issue no matter how good they become in western style media propaganda. Most didnt know or give a shit about it happening