Extremely rare Gorby W
Send him to fuck up the US the way he fucked up the USSR.
First proposed by Leonid Brezhnev in 1979 and actively promoted by Mikhail Gorbachev, perestroika originally referred to increased automation and labor efficiency, but came to entail greater awareness of economic markets and the ending of central planning.
What the hell would the US even do? We have everything from High Frequency Trading to people bombarding my phone with telemarketing calls. We’re running Just-In-Time factory floors on skeleton crews and sticking 600 kids into a single University lecture hall to learn about partial differential equations. All our economic planning is done by a loose confederation of industry cartels trying to stab each other in the back. Literally everything is in the Free Market, including a huge volume of fictitious capital with a multi-trillion dollar market cap.
What would perestroika even look like, at this point? You’d get more water by squeezing a lump of chalk than perestroika would produce economic liberalizations.
Drop all pretense if this being a society and redefine the Senate as the 100 richest people in the country. House of Representatives? More like House of Small Business Owners. President is now a nationwide popularity contest, executive branch functions re: military and intelligence become entirely autonomous (not much changes lmao).
Sell all remaining government services to private entrepenuers, remove all enforcement powers still retained by FCC and OSHA and similar bodies and hand them over to be run directly by the relevant industries. Reinstate the draft, but most draftees are now required to work minimum wage jobs to prop up the economy.