Hey gang, check out this open letter written by the head of Nevada’s water allocation program. Some choice quotes in there:
"Despite the obvious urgency of the situation, the last sixty-two days produced exactly nothing in terms of meaningful collective action to help forestall the looming crisis,”
“The unreasonable expectations of water users, including the prices and drought profiteering proposals, only further divide common goals and interests. Through our collective inaction, the federal government, the basin states and every water user on the Colorado River is complicit in allowing the situation to reach this point."
Thanks for bringing it to everyone’s attention, but damn the lib brain is deep once you’re a high level in the institutions
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Are we ready to see how our completely hollowed out neoliberal government handles a crisis that requires central planning? Yes we are. :antelope-popcorn:
That stood out to me, both in this letter and his one in June. He keeps talking about working together, collective planning, all stuff that is simply impossible between these entities, as we’re witnessing
Capitalism is an absolutely zero-sum game. The best case scenario for the land owners is they get bought out by the government, and maybe they get off okay if they’re given a decent price. But at least some of them just aren’t going to get the water they need to operate their farms, which makes that land utterly worthless. All the value just gone. And unless the feds pony up some very attractive buy-outs no one has any incentive what so ever to be the one who makes a sacrifice. It’s a war of all against all.
And of course regardless of who does and does not get water all kinds of small towns, small operations, and lots and lots of workers are going to get totally, utterly fucked and thrown out into the streets of LA or Vegas.