It’s amazing some of these chuds want to kill fbi agents or overthrow the government in favor of their flavor christian nationalism, but giving up steak and watering their lawns so they don’t lose their hydroelectricity or just die of thirst is a step too far. Peoples sense of what constitutes a sacrifice is completely out of whack.
I don’t think most of them can really imagine and internalize the reality of consequences. They’re still locked in to just world fantasies where nothing bad will happen to them and they’ll always come out on top somehow. Just not having water is too big in scale for them to cope with.
but giving up steak
they don’t even have to give up steak, they just have to not gorge on it like subhuman fucking fatasses
average amerishart eats 55 lbs of beef a year
I tracked my own consumption and it came to 15 lbs a year
Chinese consumption is about 15 lbs a year
Europena consumption is 30 lbs a year
How the fuck do you even crave a pound of beef every week? Like, in addition to the other meat/fish/poultry that you eat? What the fuck?