Everyone has hot takes, let this thread be your safe space to unleash fire on us.
How will you win a revolution with no allies? Congratulations, you’ve successfully purity-tested us. Now you’re alone.
Also I am not alone. I have a billion communists throughout the world on my side. I am participating in the real communist movement. It’s you who is alone
My allies are Marxist. You are “not anything” so you are clearly not my ally
I am a Marxist. Its just i dont like labeling myself. Clearly youre more concerned with appearances than anything else. I hope you get around to reading Marx some time :)
Marxists should be open and clear with labeling themselves and their position. Your aversion to labels is a personal distaste, not a political program or stance.
You are just a distorter too ashamed by actual existing socialism (because you believe rightwing lies to some extent) and thus try to hide and obscure your beliefs.