evergreen tweet
It’s not an accurate depiction. Europeans generally didn’t marry as children in the time period they’re roughly portraying. They’re doing it for titillations.
while enjoying this product meant for entertainment purposes.
well that’s the thing, isn’t it? Humans often listen to songs that make them sad, or watch documentaries that make them mad, or read books that make them think. The vague assertion that something is “entertainment” implies that anything gross or excessive being depicted by said “entertainment” is intended to be enjoyed for its exploitative qualities, like some kind of gladiatorial bloodsport.
Entertainment leads to the provocation of various emotions, both positive and negative, which leads to reflection on the part of the audience. Entertainment often makes us uncomfortable. It’s not purely for enjoyment or titillation. The depiction of people with complicated lives and problematic behavior is often misconstrued as an endorsement of said behavior or even an exploitative attempt at titillating sickos. I think this might somewhat be the case with Gambo Thrones, so I’m not gonna stick my neck out too hard to defend it, but I find this analysis has its limitations. I endorse exploitation-free entertainment, content warnings, and people being free to not watch things that disturb them. But I don’t think a depiction of something problematic is inherently meant to “titillate” regardless of context.
You’re criticizing a show you haven’t seen for portraying elites as creepy pedos who treat women like objects. How do you want them to portray elites? Because aristocratic elites are creepy pedos who treat women like objects. The show also does zero of the titillating you’re accusing it of. It definitely applies to GoT, but HoTD definately feels aware of the criticisms GoT recieved while staying true to the source material.
You made this exact assertion in this exact struggle session and did not respond to Harry Limes who pointed out you were wrong. Why do you continue being wrong on purpose?
I said the average age of marriage was 18-25. Harry pointed out one specific example of an exception that rule. Do with that what you will.