I love this channel, and starting my day with this video, it put me into this amazing open-hearted place where I long to unite with others to build something better whereas I am much more prone, normally, to angrily wish to tear the capitalist’s world down.
Ageism is bad when the aged do not hold a near total monopoly on power and wealth. In this case, ageism is good, actually.
Boomer communists exist but are extremely rare. To be bourgeois in the USA usually means that you are also a boomer and vice-versa. Even if you don’t actually own any capital, the social safety net that exists for boomers + the lifetime you’ve spent having the entire country and planet bend over backwards for you means that you are almost certainly either a liberal or a fascist.
I mean, yes, boomers clearly need a lot of mental help, but that’s probably going to come after capitalism (which they almost universally adore) is destroyed.
Also, there were more cool boomers once upon a time, but most have died via social murder.
It’s a joke but true, every commie meeting or socialist thing I’ve been to either has under 30s or over 70 year olds and nothing in between lol.
So are you gonna keep this tune when it comes to houseless elders, impoverished elders, minority elders, and queer elders? Probably not, I’d guess, which means you agree with me that age isn’t the problem, having a monopoly on power and wealth is the problem. Don’t advocate ageism unless old age in and of itself is something worth punishing to you.
I only advocate ageism in the sense that any criticism of boomers results in cries of “ageism.”
Exactly, it’s like everyone who hates Israel is an “anti-Semite”. I don’t know why this is such a fucking struggle session today. When people say “fuck boomers” they’re saying “fuck Zionists”, not “death to the Jews”.