I love this channel, and starting my day with this video, it put me into this amazing open-hearted place where I long to unite with others to build something better whereas I am much more prone, normally, to angrily wish to tear the capitalist’s world down.
Saying “not all men” is a perfect analogy to “not all boomers” is like saying a 65 year old homeless woman also has the societal privileges of a wealthy person.
You just come off like you hate a certain class of people categorically and that you don’t spend much time worrying about the details.
and people with this kind of position always insist they don’t hate it as a category. and I often believe them, but I literally don’t get what the point in speaking categorically is if you don’t really mean it. it’s just contrarian and counterproductive. really weird attachment to pointlessly bad optics that to me reads mostly as cliquishness.
yeah, it’s the same tactic but with radliberalism instead of fascism.
the internet sucks shit lmao
There are humans born between 1945 and 1965 and there are “boomers”. The 65 year old homeless woman isn’t a boomer. No unhoused people are boomers. You’re right in that I do hate a certain class of people categorically, but you’re wrong that I haven’t spent much time thinking about the details.
If you know what you’re doing then it comes off as deliberate motte and bailey
it’s such lib shit, they would rather get to be like “actually ur immature and toxic, I didn’t mean literally all of that group” and feel superior than appeal to anyone who doesn’t already get/use their favorite radlib jargon
What is the safe opinion that I claim to now be defending? It’s farcical to claim that my original position was that everyone over a certain age is bad. For the better part of a decade now “boomer” has been used to refer to a very specific type of person. Nobody could reasonably believe that it simply refers to everyone born in certain years.