Because Langley and Quantico are in the US.
I’m legit thinking of moving to “the Chicago area” (ok, I’m old, not so much into the daily city life anymore, so probably the suburbs), I talked to an old friend who lives in the loop and he was just like “idk lol”, so can you come up with some compelling reasons why I should NOT do that? I really don’t need the sales pitch on why to go, it seems pretty self evident to me (huge city with all the amenities and a reasonable cost of living, pretty much)
I’m okay with the weather, btw, so that’s not really a con for me - just something to live with.
I’m in the area, its pretty great. Reasonably liberal area, not too many chuds around. No fear of losing abortion rights. Less fear of immediate climate change.
we do be getting that extreme heat belt in a few decades… ah well nevertheless