That was true until the debate and Trump getting Covid.
Getting sick was the fatal blow for Trump’s re-election, but the debate is what really mortally wounded his chances. To us, it was a shameful display of senility on both sides. For normies, Trump looked unhinged and Biden looked and sounded “like a President”, especially for senile Boomers who are operating on his wavelength.
His base, sure, but normie old geezers absolutely HATE people who aren’t sober and serious, like Biden was at the debate (again, viewed as a 70-something who’s slipping into senility, Biden seems fine)
Trump’s base is also a LOT younger than people think, which should worry you. All of those polls that have Biden up by 10 are because Biden leads with seniors, sometimes by a lot. The 45-65 age group consistently polls as a tie, or in favor of Trump.
But the base won’t be deciding the election. The republican establishment in the SCOTUS and Senate will (assuming everyone’s prediction of an early Trump lead then Biden creeping back towards victory via mail in votes happens). They’re gonna have to make the decision on whether they want to burn their political capital to keep Trump in or try to take back control of their party from the Trump wing and return to GOP business as normal. They’re not gonna go to the mat to keep this asshole they feel has stolen their party from them in power and they’re gonna fracture their base in the process.
Or maybe McConnell is actually the only republican smart enough to ride the Trump train towards his own ambition and he feels that he can grab more power by keeping Trump in office rather than letting the Q wing of the party splinter off into the void. All these other bloodsuckers tried to wrangle Trump towards their own ends and ended up getting fired or infected with plague, McConnell is the only one coming out on top because he’s actually good at politics