Anybody know why there’s such a big difference?
The “Option for the Poor” is a key Catholic doctrine and in South America especially leads to a Liberation Theology approach. Catholicism is a broad church, and judging it based on US tradcaths who think the only Church Council that counts is Vatican I is a mistake.
There is also the fact that the poorer classes tend to be Catholic and the richer Protestant.
The preferential option for the poor is my favorite part of Catholicism. It is a truly radical piece of doctrine. While calvinists here in the states will tell you that their wealth is their just reward for living a good Christian life, the catholics straight up say “no, God loves poor people more than you.”
Not exactly sure what that means for the folks in the Vatican… but it’s such a powerful tool for liberation theologians.
Also, I think every rich calvinist who gets the wall deserves a chance to try to fit a camel through the eye of a needle. Let them marinate in the fact that their next stop is hell.
If we blend the rich, we can use capillary action to pass them through the eye of a needle.