:burning cop car emote:
Idk kinda looks like a george floyd moment in Iran
Why would Saudi citizens be the inverse? Does it have something to do with Saudi Arabia being Sunni and Iran being Shia?
No it has to do with material conditions and social relations of each nation, not idealist religious explanations.
Saudi Arabia has been a US vassal state for basically a century. They have gotten ungodly wealthy and they spread that wealth around within Saudi Arabia to ensure the ruling class remains popular and powerful. Thus they are basically social chauvinists or social imperialists, benefitting massively from the empire and doing whatever is needed to suppress resistance to it throughout the Middle East. The leadership of Saudi Arabia are much more reactionary than the leadership of Iran.
Iran has been the victim of imperialism and multiple coups, the victims include a nascent socialist movement that got destroyed and reincorporated into the new state. Thus they have a much more progressive foreign policy and population, and that population is not materially benefitting from imperialism they are being harmed by it. This puts them into an anti-imperialist position.
Iran is more progressive than Saudi Arabia in every way, both its leadership and its population. There are Islamist hardliners in both nations, and the Iranian ones have been proven right time and time again over the liberal Iranians who keep trusting the West. This has strengthened the Islamic hardline position in Iran, while in Saudi Arabia the leadership has to posture as progressive once and a while to stay friendly with the west - so it appears like they may want to make progress on the surface but it’s just imperialist pinkwashing for a genocidal petrostate monarchy and arm of imperialism