If there was a chart of this kind of thing or a solid non-SEO-spam resource, that would be helpful, too.

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3 points

Seasoning herbs like mint, sage, parsley, cilantro, lemongrass, green onions (you can cut off the green parts a couple times and even replant store bought green onion after using the greens). All of these can be grown in medium to large pots and mint and sage in particular grow like weeds (mainly cuss they are descended from weed like plants). Pumpkins and squash are another good one, especially butternut squash which can be cooked in a variety of ways. Homegrown tomatoes are also awesome to have and experience compared to supermarket ones (grew several varieties this year and they were great especially cherry tomato varieties).




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<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>

read braiding sweetgrass, lib

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Let it grow .

  .-/  \-. If I had a flower
 (  \__/  ) for each time 
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /  
 (  /  \  ) of communism           
 ,    \\ (-. ) my garden 
 |\_   ||/.-`would be full  
 \'.\_ |;` 
  '--,\||     ,
      `;|   _/|              
       // _/.'/ 

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