On stormfront you’ll read in massive subs such as r/soccer that Paris has a pocket of safety surrounded by pure crime. They’ll say shit like, “I went to Vienna and Budapest and not once did I feel unsafe”
You ‘felt’ unsafe? Are you just shitting your pants everytime you encounter an Arab or someone with slightly more melanin content? Like, almost every city I’ve ever been to where people say it’s unsafe is just a place with more minorities and I’ve never once felt unsafe.
Edit: check out this thread
90% of the redditors that get mugged are probably running around in gucci clothes with 1000 dollar watches, a designer fedora, a tesla with 3 laptops in it, and a fat wallet sticking out of their asshole and doing a :shocked-pikachu: when they get mugged
To quote someone I saw on :reddit-logo: University of Chicago students have the most muggable faces.
The person also claimed to be a mugger in Chicago.