My state’s website wants me to fill out a form that lists all the members of my household and disclose what the household income is. Problem is if I include my dad I most likely will not be able to qualify. And I can’t like write on the form anywhere “yes I live at home with my dad and he makes well over $30k a year, but he won’t help me financially unless he feels like it.” I really don’t know what to do. I keep running out of money and food, I need EBT and cash assistance but if I lie and don’t include my dad or lie about the household income, that’s fraud and I could get in a lot of trouble I can’t handle.
The fuck am I supposed to do? Has any other comrades ran into anything like this before? I know every state is different but maybe someone else on here lives at home with a wealthy parent and still qualified for EBT.
I fucking hate means testing
Yeah same, it doesn’t just set a cap on “how well you’re doing” or what kinds of support you have, but it also insults your intelligence by presenting artificial scarcity as just the way it is.
Edit: oh yeah and obviously the threat of penalties for screwing up or lying on applications, like excuse me for having basic needs