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I should also mention that my manager at my primary gig is aware that I’m working another job, that’s probably important context. We’re actually pretty chummy and have done stuff together outside of work and so I’m aware he has his own business serving small business IT needs which takes up a lot of his day, and so he’s aware that I basically work another full time job or possibly “contract work” while I’m on the clock there. His response to me telling him was, as I recall: “Yeah, me too… Gotta earn that money, cash is king”
I think he’s starting to get suspicious of another guy in our department who’s just not pulling their weight at all. It’s pretty bad but I refuse to say whether I think it’s because they’re really bad at working two jobs because it really should be easy, and we really only brought them on because we needed role redundancy for regulatory reasons. I refuse to complain about them though, if they get fired for performance reasons I won’t complain either though.
His response to me telling him was, as I recall: “Yeah, me too… Gotta earn that money, cash is king”
lmao, respect. i haven’t liked all my bosses, but the ones who understand that i’m primarily there to get paid are at least relatable. the ones that espouse shit like community, mission, experience/career and prestige/science when i’m talking about compensation are all toxic AF and i am fake as fuck around them.