yeah, you’re right that it’s not more important, but it does absolutely influence the class character - in my experience there’s far fewer people with “normal” jobs as a %, lotsa long-term unemployed, lotsa precariat (including the bizzare cyberserfdom of being an online artist), and then also a ton of PMCs, so prostletysing is a bit easier in some cases and harder in others
and it’s not really about who’s put off by stuff - it’s partly that things have gotten a lot better recently, various whisper networks have finally become shouting networks & lots of dickheads have been pushed out, so we’ve been more able to come out and/or figure stuff out. partly that a lot of us have been real deep into using the computer for years. and, honestly, partly that becoming a Creature, entirely seperate from your pathetic human self, is more appealing to trans people - there’s a lot of enbies & transmascs too. I think/hope it’ll even out eventually gender-wise, but there’s still a hell of a lot of work to do! also it’s kinda absurd how many paragraphs of Furry Fandom Analysis I’ve typed out lmao, might try putting my thoughts together in a more coherent format at some point