All Musk needed to do was go more slowly and use terms like “reorganize” and “restructure”. With little to no analysis the media - idiots that they are - would simply repeat his corporate PR verbatim. And some of the reporters would be showering him with praise for his “bold”, “aggressive”, and “smart” moves.
And he could gut moderation etc quietly. Meanwhile on Twitter he could still have his fun having convos like this…
“Mr. Musk, sir - is it true that the head of all content control and moderation is a guy nicknamed ‘Himmler’?”
“Can’t confirm nor deny. :)”
when you’re a fucked up sociopath, winning twitter arguments is better than not losing a $44B investment
Of course he’s not even winning twitter arguments but I think that’s more a factor of our titans of industry in this advanced stage of capitalism all being useless fuckwits