Media criticism is a great place to start. If you get them on board with:
- Outlets like CNN and the NYT have repeatedly carried water for the State Department, and
- That’s a reflection of the fact that they are more interested in upholding the interests of capitalism than with any sort of impartial reporting,
You can get them on board with a lot of history those outlets sweep under the rug. Manufacturing Consent is perfect for this – recognizable author who isn’t too radical, and it painstakingly documents how most reporting is biased.
Starting smaller also works. There’s a great Citations Needed episode on how local news just blindly prints whatever cops tell them.
I love Citations Needed. It’s why I ended up on this website after their subreddit got banned. I haven’t caught every episode. Do you happen to remember around when that episode came out or what it was called?
:fidel-salute: to your taste in podcasts