Zoomers stay winning. Millennials are turning into their parents.
Fight Club, the Matrix and vaguely remembering the Gulf War when you were like seven is what defines baby X-ers
I love how the definition of “GenX” seems to creep up every ten years. I remember when “GenX” was just “people born in the 60s/70s”. Now its “people old enough to buy tickets to The Matrix”? Pretty soon I’m going to hear how anyone who watched 9/11 on the TV is GenX.
The Baby Boom started in '40, peaked in the '50s and was completely over by '65. How the hell are you getting GenX-ers all the way out to '89?
The official boomer bracket sounds accurate, but it just doesn’t make sense to call someone born before the fall of the Soviet Union a millennial
If the boomers can somehow be spread over three decades I doubt the GenX-ers will mind a twenty-year stretch