idk maybe we can have a sharing session to check out eachother’s cool ideas and projects we have, just a thought haha-jk-unless.
But a big factor would be how each country treats gay people. The SU re-outlawed homosexuality or something right?
I was envisioning a much more egalitarian and free version of the Soviet Union where they didn’t have to fight a brutal civil war, they collaborated with other socialist nations in the International, and Stalin didn’t gain ultimate power. In this world the USA probably wouldn’t grant full rights to LGBTQ people until decades after the USSR. I’m envisioning a succdem America that views itself as an Enlightened Centrist nation between the backwards imperial monarchies and the extreme left Soviet Union.
But with Turing it would probably be something like Edward Snowden where he would end up wherever he could find safety from British agents.
and maybe play as an HOI4 mod?
I’m not much of a gamer but that sounds fun