- Put some research into finding a way to not have 1/4 of the characters be pedophiles
- Turn down the dating simmyness by about 70 %, let the other characters develop interpersonal relationships
- Keep turning the “main character actually having character traits” dial, we can reach 10 % by 2050
- Maybe two fewer Revolver Ocelot voice Mr. President scenes than in 5
- Since we are doing social themes, how about “communism is good”?
- Ska soundtrack
Little bit more complicated than that. Yes, the national age of consent was 12, but every single district had an age of consent higher than 12; there was nowhere in Japan where the age of consent was 12.
That being said, I think there were places where is was 14, so :cringe: anyway
There’s the same thing in Sweden, where there’s no minimum wage… But they have a strong enough union presence, that practically speaking, there are good minimum wages for nearly all industries.
I remember in eighth grade (1999) somebody brought The Rock Says (The Most Electrifying Man in Sports-Entertainment!), which was of course the definitive autobiography of The Rock. We were all reading the chapter entitled “The People’s Puberty,” wherein Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (known simply then as his nom de plume “The Rock”) recounts losing his virginity. He was 14 and the girl was 18, which according to the book was totally legal at that time. 14 was the age of consent in Hawaii in 1986.
I don’t know why I feel like it’s important that I cite that source for this info. But it feels important. Like everyone needs to know what The Rock is cooking.