I was actually a little curious whether any “app store” maintainers would scrutinize updates to Twitter’s app post-takeover.
There’s been enough reports about an apparent lack of trust with regard to their own internal source code repos and what gets committed…
Not that Apple/Google/etc care if someone pushes a buggy update, but I can’t think of a better opportunity in recent memory for someone with access to their supply chain to bundle an exploit on a malicious update to what I’d assume is one of the most widely installed apps. Especially with the prevalence of mobile crypto wallets and shit.
I can’t think of a better opportunity in recent memory for someone with access to their supply chain to bundle an exploit on a malicious update to what I’d assume is one of the most widely installed apps. Especially with the prevalence of mobile crypto wallets and shit.
I wonder if this is just Elon’s end game