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The book Dynamics of Social Change: A Reader in Marxist Social Science, from the Writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin (entire book on, or a book like it, might be a good idea. It’s excerpts from Marx, Engels and Lenin organized thematically, so you can find topics that interest you in the table of contents and it might lead you to essays or further reading once you’ve finished those excerpts. A bit like spectre’s suggestion of a Marxist devotional, I suppose. The only downside of the book I linked is that it was published back in 1970 and that you are reading an edited collection of excerpts, so it’s good to be aware of where the authors are coming from (in this case, International Publishers is a publisher affiliated with the Communist Party USA). Still, it’s free and and, as someone who easily gets distracted, it’s harder to get distracted if you’ve just set yourself the goal of reading a single short-ish excerpt.